Monday, 3 February 2014

Getting a new box

In case anyone is wondering why I didn't release a video last month, it's mostly due to computer problems. My video card's fan died, so instead of me simply replacing it, I went out and bought a brand new machine.  I've opened the chassis, and placed a portable fan next to it, for all my PC cooling needs. Hearing the hum of an air-blowing apparatus close to my microphone doesn't make for the best recording environment. You can imagine how ridiculous this looks and feels, in a heated room during -20°C Canadian winter. I don't even want to think about the electric bill.

I've ordered a new computer from CyberPower PC, and it should be arriving this week. They have excellent prices, although, California to Toronto with standard UPS shipping does take some time. I should have better capabilities in trying more modern titles, in case I ever start doing requests.

Apologies for not keeping to my self-imposed monthly Youtube posting schedule (at least, I'd like to think I still have that.) It will definitely be -- to the pains and prejudices of my more articulate fellows -- yet another Mass Effect video.


  1. You really did love that game, didn't you?

    1. Replace "Highlander" with "Mass Effect" in this video and you got your answer:

  2. The Mass Effect series: The Beautiful Disaster of a gift that keeps on giving.

  3. And thats 2 years in a row. We only need 12 more years to compete against the Star Wars fandom in the category of "The Sci Fi Space Opera that couldn't and never will"

  4. I hope this doesn't mean we'll see an end to the 4:3 resolutions.

  5. By the way, have you ever thought of doing an analysis of the Mass Effect comics that Mac Walters is writing of late, or would that be too...well...masochistic?

    1. Dear God man; you ask too much. Those things are dreadful. I can probably ask my brother who's a hardcore Batman comic fan. But if you think I'm harsh...

    2. So Mac is also a bad writer outside of the games? Why am I not surprised...

    3. But! whose comic is worse? Walters and his Mass Effect comics? or Jennifer Hepler and "M.I.T.H: Operation Smoking Jaguar"?

      Whoever wins, we lose.

    4. Heh, to be honest that question was in half-jest. Actually read the comic with Wrex and was not at all impressed!

  6. Oh dear god, the Thane comic came out and guess what! More plot holes and Thane was only on ONE FREAKING PAGE!
